Community repatriation
Mise à jour mensuelle
100 $CAD
Individual participation coefficient
Continents represented
Experiencing the loss of a loved one
dear is a painful and upsetting chapter.
It is an ordeal that brutally confronts a reality that many would prefer to avoid or ignore.
However, talking about death is inevitable, whether within the family, in preparation for the end of life, or to answer children's many questions.
Joining the LRC network is therefore a simple way to prepare yourself while protecting your loved ones.
Our mission
LRC provides financial support to orphans and/or people designated by the deceased.
LRC allows you to prepare the funeral of your loved one with complete peace of mind. It is with this same serenity that the bereaved family will be able to organize the funeral of the deceased loved one with dignity.
LRC offers a financial solution to help with the repatriation of the LRC member who died in
the foreigner.
With a harmonious, organized and quantified approach, each death will therefore be a death
community. The more there are of us, the lower the participation of each member.
In order to respect our community and numerical approach, the main objective of the LRC is to reach the threshold of 10,000 active members.
However, LRC guarantees will only be effective from the threshold of 2000 active members.
We are therefore all responsible for the survival of this community approach.
Talking about it to those around you to quickly reach the target number of members is therefore what remains to be done.
The LRC guarantee
When an LRC member dies, the designated beneficiaries receive a pot from each member's contribution.
The amount of this pot depends on the place of residence of the deceased member and/or the
wishes of the designated beneficiaries:
- Canada: 20,000 CAD
- United States: 14,000 USD
- Europe: 13,000 EUR
- Africa: 8,500,000 FCFA
Services Offerts
To guarantee
Hand delivery of the mourning envelope to the orphan(s) and/or designated beneficiary(ies)
Financially secure
Repatriation of the deceased member to his native country.
To transmit
to the bereaved family, the document describing the last wishes of the deceased, if available.
Nous contacter
Siège social: 1533 Rue Étienne, G3J 1B8, QC, Québec, Canada
No téléphone: 438 545-3445
Session d'informations: Cliquer sur le bouton pour le rejoindre le groupe de session d'information LRC organisé tous les dimanches.
Foire aux questions
Où suis-je couvert ?
Only active members are covered wherever their death occurs in the world, provided that they have always been up to date with their membership fees and have provided all the required administrative documents.
Quel est le montant de ma couverture ?
In the event of the death of the active member, the beneficiaries and/or designated persons receive the sum depending on the country:
- Canada: 20,000 CAD
- USA: 14,000 USD
- Europe (France, Germany, Belgium…): €13,000.
- Africa: 8,500,000 CFA francs
Strict checks will be carried out before payment.
Qu'est-ce qu'un membre actif ?
An active member is deemed to be any member who is up to date with these dues, has completed the membership form and has provided all the required administrative documents.
Comment LRC identifie-t-il les bénéficiaires ?
During registration, the member receives a form to provide all the information about the insured persons and the various beneficiaries.
However, when a death occurs, LRC conducts a formal identification to ensure that the deceased person is indeed an active member of the network.
Identification of bodies and death documents will be required prior to payment.
Quelle est la différence entre adhésion et protection ?
When the member validates his membership, he is protected in the event of death.
Check the waiting period according to your situation.
Quand mon adhésion prend-t- elle effet ?
Membership is effective upon receipt of the membership confirmation email. Membership remains active if the member completes their membership form and remains up to date with their contributions.
Membership is active after receiving your Membership Number.
Quand ma couverture entre-t-elle en vigueur ?
The protection takes effect according to the waiting period adapted to your situation.
Not to mention that the points concerning the signing of the membership agreement and the membership fees must first be respected:
- The protection will be effective for all members when we have reached 2000 registered members
Quel est mon délai de carence ?
From the date of enrolment, the waiting period must be counted according to the age at enrolment as follows:
- If 60 years and - at enrolment: 6 months of seniorityIù
- f 60 years and + at enrolment:
- If 18 months of seniority, 100% of the guarantee
- If seniority between 9 months and 18 months, 50% of the guarantee
Quand est-ce que je perds ma couverture ?
By your written or verbal intention to our services clearly indicating the intention to become an inactive member of the LRC network. (When the decision is personal, please inquire about the conditions for returning as an active member.)
Also, you will lose your protection if the office detects an attempt at fraud as a result of an investigation instituted by our office or anyone who has the interests of the LRC network at heart.
You also lose your coverage when you have not paid the contribution fees on time following the announcement of a death.
Les frais d’adhésion et de cotisation sont-ils remboursables ?
Membership and contribution fees are non-refundable.